Role Play

Choose the right type of role play for your corporate training and assessments.
Individual Role-Play Sessions
Individual role-plays take place with just one of your participants present. There might be one or several actors, and you will probably want a trainer or coach overseeing the participant’s performance.
There are several benefits to giving participants individual role-play sessions. If role play is part of a development centre or assessment, it might be crucial that a participant’s performance is confidential. A certain amount of peer pressure could also be alleviated, leading to better concentration. Furthermore, if role play focuses on a specific meeting, individual sessions will set the scene exactly like the real thing.
Get London Role Play to research and design your role-play scenarios, or to simply provide actors to prepare and perform material already pre-designed.
Group Role-Play (recommended 3-8 participants)
Sessions take place with a small group of participants watching the action and taking turns to role play.
This approach may work best when you want role play to stay intimate but are pushed for time. Several scenarios can be covered within the group with each participant tackling one or two, watched by their colleagues. You might also decide on group role-play sessions as the feedback from colleagues could be beneficial and a way to share good practice.
Ask us to design your corporate role-pay scenarios and time-tabling for you, or we can just provide role-players for scenarios already in place.
Forum Workshops (recommended 10-60 participants/audience)
Role play within forum theatre can take on different forms with the action either being fully or part scripted. If the action is only part scripted, a facilitator looks to the audience to advise the actors how to move the action on. If the dialogue is fully scripted, discussion is facilitated when the scene/s have finished. (It might also be that certain delegates have the chance to interact in a scenario with the actors.)
Whatever approach you choose, forum theatre is an excellent way for those involved to share good practice. It is also successful in cascading messages to large groups of people quickly and dynamically.
Let us undertake design and facilitation of your forum workshops, or we can simply provide actors to fit with material already in-house.
Read more about the benefits of role-play training or see how forum theatre helped Tower Hamlets look at diversity issues in a forum workshop role-play case study.