Exams and Assessment Centres

Rely on London Role Play, a trusted company providing professional role-play actors for exams and assessment centres throughout the public and private sectors for over a decade.
Role play is commonly used in both exams and assessment centres. Your goal is to make this role play consistent for each participant, thus maintaining fair standards.
Our professional role-play actors are skilled at repeating their roles to be equal for all participants. They understand the pressures on both examinees and examiners, approaching their work with calm as well as skill.
Management Assessments
Accurately pin-point your participant’s skills and development needs using professional actors in your assessment centres.
Having worked with all levels of management from frontline to leadership team, our actors are ideally placed to take on characters needed to test your delegates.
Medical Exams and Assessments
Ensure consistency and professional standards by enlisting corporate role-play actors in your exams and assessments.
With much experience in the medical sector, our role players can portray any character from medical professional to patient to relative.
We can provide role players for:
- Assessments
- Emergency Services
- Executive Assessment
- Graduate Assessments
- Management assessment
- Medical Exams
- Recruitment Centres
- Redundancy Assessment
- Talent Assessment
See a medical role-play case study to find out how we help the NHS with exams and assessments.