Benefits of Role-play Training

There are many benefits to using corporate role-play in staff and management training, from increasing confidence and understanding behaviour, through to developing people-skills that ensure positive communication and build business-productivity.
Positive Impact
Training makes a tangible difference as delegates learn through experience.
Confidence Building
The greater self-awareness role-play training encourages is key to becoming more confident. This might be the confidence to do things differently, or the confidence that comes from knowing you are already doing a good job.
“It was interesting to watch scenarios we deal with every day. I now have confidence that, 99% of the time, I do handle situations correctly.”
Participant Merton Link workshop
The realism corporate role play creates allows participants to believe in their training and practice skills with proper intent. Desk-top training may seem very far removed from the situations that delegates are actually dealing with.
Staff feel valued
Role-play training gets to the heart of the matter with staff acknowledging that proper attention is being paid to them.
“I didn’t realise my job was so interesting!”
Participant Tower Hamlets workshop
Self Awareness
Participants become more aware of the impact their behaviour has on colleagues and customers. This is further helped by using feedback with role-play training.
Safe Environment
Difficult and sensitive issues can be handled in a risk-free environment.
“The role play made me more confident in tackling negative behavior with my colleagues.”
Participant Tower Hamlets workshop
The Challenge
Delegates can push themselves. They are free to take risks and make mistakes.
“The role-play training allowed me to try out new techniques. I wouldn’t have done this in the work environment for fear of losing a sale.”
Participant Aqua Euro workshop
More Solutions
There can be a number of different ways to approach a communications issue, with techniques working differently for each of us. Role-play training allows the exploration of these different approaches whilst desk-top training is more likely to focus on just one.
“The role play opened my mind to many different concepts.”
Participant Merton Link workshop
Role-play training is an accurate assessment method for communication skills.
Business Productivity
Good communication skills are good for business.
“I feel much more aware of how to get the best out of my staff.”